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Kyah Morrissette

Psychic Intuitive


tadpole turns into a frog, acknowledges that he has to let go of his tail to become a frogtadpole turns into a frog, acknowledges that he has to let go of his tail to become a frog

I allow change to lighten my load


I allow change to lift weight off my shoulders.

When it's time for something to end, instead of fighting it, I release it.

I embrace the relief of saying goodbye to one chapter and stepping into another.

I acknowledge that the Universe sends change my way as a gift to help me grow. I know that change helps me evolve and not stagnate.

When I feel my energy stagnating (it feels almost like a stuffy room), I reach out to welcome the change that's right around the corner.

When I welcome the transitions the Universe brings, I feel lighter as I move towards becoming my best self for my highest good.

An image with a Funko Pop of Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks laying on the ground with a carnivorous plant looming over him. He is saying "heck".An image with a Funko Pop of Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks laying on the ground with a carnivorous plant looming over him. He is saying "heck".

The Universe never gives me anything I can't handle


The Universe never gives me anything I can't handle.

My biggest life lesson is this: anything that comes at me is stuff I can handle, and grow from. Whenever something scary, stressful, seemingly insurmountable happens, and I panic and worry, I always come out the other side saying, "Why was I so worried?"

We've all experienced this: that feeling of total overwhelm and hopelessness, and then afterwards that feeling of "That wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. That actually came out kind of okay".

Every problem, every obstacle, every loss, is a lesson from the Universe, designed to make us stronger, wiser, more compassionate, and thus more powerful human beings. There is nothing we can't overcome-- we are being led and taught. We are all guided and watched over. So the next time something scary happens, remember that feeling of "Why was I so worried?" and remember that the Universe is your loving teacher, and totally has your back, no matter what. All you need to do is go along for the ride with faith, and you'll be fine. Know that you are meant to come out the other side and feel better after.

You've got this.

Raccoon sketch with caption "What the raccoons know: 1. Whole world is garbage. 2. Garbage is delicious".Raccoon sketch with caption "What the raccoons know: 1. Whole world is garbage. 2. Garbage is delicious".

All tornadoes end.


All tornadoes end.

A tornado has swept you up and overwhelmed you with change, responsibilities, uncertainty.

The tornado will end. It will lose its centrifugal force and unwind into calm. You will land back on your feet and feel the peace and relief of the calm after the storm.

While you are caught up in the winds, allow yourself to surrender and flow. This is where you're at right now, and fighting the storm will only exhaust you.

You will come back to yourself. You will land on your feet. All tornados end, and at the conclusion you will feel peaceful. You will be tired, but you will feel proud of yourself. Look at how softly you landed. You will land even more softly next time.

A cartoon depicting KYLAD-115, General Mortuus, PR-500, Unnameable Terror, Phykraun KYX, Morrigan, VRS-2000-X50, and Lord Zorvax giving nuggets of advice on how to feel blessed and strong.A cartoon depicting KYLAD-115, General Mortuus, PR-500, Unnameable Terror, Phykraun KYX, Morrigan, VRS-2000-X50, and Lord Zorvax giving nuggets of advice on how to feel blessed and strong.

Obstacles are assignments helping you grow


Every obstacle is an assignment designed to grow you towards fearlessness.

Every new situation, every potential stressor, is there to help you find your strength and engage in your faith.

When we talk about strength, we often refer to fighting and kicking and screaming through a situation until we come out the other side, somewhat intact.

But what if the lesson in strength is how to trust that everything will be okay?

What if the lesson in strength is how to see nothing as impossible and every miracle as probable?

Strength comes in many forms. You can cultivate blunt strength through fighting, or flexible strength through trust and love. This kind of strength is inner peace and inner knowing.

The Universe loves and cares for you always-- by approaching each obstacle as a chance to grow your inner peace and inner knowing, you allow that infinite love to carry you through the toughest moments.

light streaming in through holes in cave ceilinglight streaming in through holes in cave ceiling

Shadow work: what is it, why do it, and how to start


Your shadow is a culmination of every part of you that you feel the need to hide: fears and desires and instincts held by your self-preserving ego and your inner child. Like any part of you, recognizing your shadow, listening to it, and exploring it are how you become more self-aware, self-compassionate, and learn who you are and who you want to be.

One way to start shadow work is to simply observe your gut reactions when you're triggered. When someone says something upsetting to you, what is your instinctual response? Why was this a trigger? Why do you feel programmed to respond the way you do? Talking it out with someone, journaling, going for a walk outside and talking to yourself, making a piece of art about it-- all of these are wonderful ways to explore and express that part of you. Any activity that helps you process that part of yourself is shadow work. Really, any activity that gives you space for deep contemplation can be a space for shadow work (I personally like talking to the ocean).

Here's the dialogue I start with myself when I recognize my shadow coming out:

  • "What brought you here?"
  • "What situation does this mirror from the past?"
  • "What is your purpose in coming up today?"
  • "Are you helping me become who I want to become, or holding me back in this situation?"

Once I've gotten a feel for what's going on, what I'm feeling and why, and feel comfortable moving forward, I say something like:

"I understand why you are here, and I am not upset with you. I forgive you-- I forgive myself. I am an ever-evolving person and you are an important part of me. Thank you for teaching me today".

Our purpose as humans is to learn how to light up the darkness, so it is no longer dividing and we can see each other for the evolving souls we truly are. Our shadows teach us compassion, love, acceptance, understanding, and understanding of what we can and cannot change. We couldn't be students of light and love without our shadows.

cartoon by @awoocomiccartoon by @awoocomic

A quick ritual to make today go your way


Before you leave the house, grab a stone necklace, a crystal, or a happy talisman, and hold it in your hand. Visualize everyone you may interact with today being gracious, positive, and caring. See a stranger giving you a coupon, a coworker bringing you your favorite coffee, a family member providing a healing space and good conversation. Send all of those pictures, those intentions, into the object you're holding.

Say to the Universe, "May everyone I encounter today have positive energy and my best interests at heart. May I feel the good in humanity today." Send that prayer into the object, and keep it on you today.

As you go about your day, intend to see each person you interact with as a positive soul who wants to spread good. Expect them to be a force of good today. While this might not work out with everyone, it will vastly improve the energy around many people with whom you interact.

When your day is over, write down all of the little happy moments you experienced since you set that intention to have an awesome day. Reflect on and soak in those good vibes that you felt today. You can do this any time, any day.

You are the dreamer of your dream-- turn the villains and obstacles into heroes and advantages.

ocean view in Ogunquitocean view in Ogunquit

Negative thoughts don't cause bad happenings


Negative thoughts do not cause bad things to happen.

I think many of us are taught to "think positive thoughts" and conversely "don't think bad thoughts"-- because why? Apparently, because negative thinking causes bad things. It sounds silly but I was relieved to learn that's not true.

Positive thinking/manifestation --> keeping your eyes open to opportunities --> jumping on what you want.

Negative thinking does not --> bad things. Your thoughts don't have that much power.

Negative thinking can make difficult situations feel insurmountable, and it can shift your focus to the bad so you may be blind to the good/ways out. But it does not cause bad things.

My anxious inner child worries "if I think about X person dying, they might die" or "if I think about my car breaking down, it will break down".

I have anxiety and bipolar disorder, so intrusive, negative thoughts are something I can't control. And that's okay-- your mindset allows you to see opportunities and follow your dreams, or get stuck in a rut. But you intrusive thoughts can never hurt you.

Keep your eyes open to good, allow yourself to believe in the possibility of your dreams, and don't sweat your intrusive thoughts-- they're not your reality.

Raichu on bed with blanket and crystalsRaichu on bed with blanket and crystals

How to meditate w/ADHD and sensory issues!


I Figured It Out– Meditating For Us Who Cannot Sit Still! ADHD/sensory issue people (like myself) just need some adaptation.

(Vid here, if you're curious:

I've been fighting myself about getting back into meditation, because A) I cannot sit still, B) keeping my eyes closed is literal torture, C) all I can feel and pay attention to is how everything is touching my body, D) my thoughts heckin wander off.

So. My solution:

1. Get as comfy as you can, no matter the position or location

2. Find something to stare at! So much easier than keeping eyes closed

3. Guided Meditations Or Pretty Sounds. Whatever your monkey brain prefers

4. Light some incense or a candle! Sets a mood, can create an association Pavlov-style (only light this thing when meditating).

5. Allow yourself to wiggle a bit and don't get mad at yourself about it

6. When your mind wanders, don't beat yourself up-- just come back to your breath and/or listening to the meditation speaker

7. Pick a doable amount of time. 5 minutes? 10? 20? Whatever feels doable today

That's it-- us neurodivergent people need to adapt our meditation practice just like we adapt so much else for ourselves. There's actually, truly, no "right" way to meditate, so whatever brings you peace is your form of meditation.

house floor plan: first floor. sun room, large kitchen, many windowshouse floor plan: first floor. sun room, large kitchen, many windows

Your third eye is easy to use!


Your third eye (or mind's eye) is a muscle that strengthens when you practice using your imagination! One of my favorite places to hang out in my imagination is my dream house. I walk around, hang things on the walls, flop on my couch, water my plants, garden, look out the huge windows. Everything that exists started with a thought in someone's head-- the stronger we can visualize, the more potential we have to bring those things into being. And if manifestation isn't your vibe, then, like, how dope is it to walk around somewhere cool in your mind anyway? And it's awesome for creativity and getting your brain out of a funk :)